Our baby girl is 10 months old!
She turned 10 months while we were in California on 8.7.11!
Maggie Claire- you are growing up soooooo fast! Look at her sweet face- I am so in love!
I don't have any stats this month, but I know she is growing and gaining weight, because she is getting so heavy to carry! The girl likes to eat, I am wondering how much she'll weight when we go for her 12 months.
Having Maggie Claire fills my heart with joy! I can't not look at her and smile! :) Even when she is doing the wrong thing- I just have to turn my head and giggle. What a baby doll she is! She amazes me by how smart she is and I seriously just want to kiss her face all day. She doesn't let me obviously because she would rather play!
This picture below cracks me up of the two of us! She is giving a thumbs up and she has what I like to call a "Mike face", where she looks just like her crazy daddy!{he makes that face sometimes} We just laugh so hard every time we look at it! hehe
- busy crawling EVERYWHERE and getting into anything she can!
- loves opening and closing cabinets & doors
- she can pull up on her knees, but hasn't pulled to a standing up position by herself yet.
- eating more table foods & still likes all her baby foods. It's so much easier to give her table finger foods because I can eat too and I don't have to feed her! :) But... that is just another sign of her growing up :(
- Her favorite table foods right now are grated cheese, black beans, & crackers
- she now has 2 teeth! Her 2nd tooth came in while we were in California. That was pretty exciting because her mimi sherry got to witness her 2nd tooth coming in! :)
- she is growing out of all her 6-9 months clothes and only wears 12 month clothes now
- size 3 diapers
- this has been such an exciting season for us because of so many firsts: airplane ride, visiting grandparents in California, moving into our first home as a family, and many more!
- still nursing 4 times a day- the weaning process is starting in a few weeks. :( I am sad because she is my baby and it's hard seeing her grow up so fast, but it will be nice not being pregnant or nursing- I'll be a free woman! :)
- She loves her new house! Her new room is pink and has a little tykes kitchen in it, and she loves it! Well, the only thing she can really do now is open and close all the doors and take all the play food out of it.
- Her hair is getting so much longer too- its actually curling up in the back- sooooo sweet! :)
- her first word is "hi" or "hey". It is so cute. She will say it to me or Mike when we walk in the door
- she waves bye bye & claps
- her newest thing is to dance! She sways side to side when there is music or we start singing to her. It's so cute!
WOW! slow. down. baby. girl! I just ordered a few party decorations today for her 1st birthday party. It's less than 2 months away!
We love this baby girl and are BLESSED to be her parents! :) Thank you for lighting up my life mags!
1 comment:
She is absolutely precious!
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