Maggie Claire you are 4 months old!
At her 4 month appointment, Maggie Claire weighed 14 pounds 2 ounces and was 26 inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for weight, and the 95th for height. Her hair is growing so much & I love it! It's almost enough to put a little clippie in it! :) She's still rocking the headbands with the big ole bows! {my fav}
- wears a size 2 diaper
- loves taking a bath... she coos the entire time
- loves playing under her playgym & in the pack-n-play with some toys
- has learned how to squeal, you can check out her youtube video of her squealing here.
- I've caught her singing {cooing} in the car when I have taylor swift playing!
- we got out the jumperoo! She doesn't jump yet, but she does like sitting in it & looking at the toys!
- still has only had breastmilk, and does not prefer a bottle. hehe. {starting solids soon!}
- wears sizes 3-6 months or 6 months. All of her 0-3 & 3 month clothes are too small now! :(
- loves going for walks in the stroller.
- she has started to belly laugh! Mike can get her to do it the best- it is awesome! :)
- becoming more of a momma's girl every day! (sorry everyone who wants to hold/watch her!)
- When I change her diaper, or she is laying on her back, she puts her hands on her knees and just holds them there, or holds on to her pants, it's too funny!
- She loves chewing/sucking on her fingers & blankets! She hasn't figured out putting toys or objects in her mouth yet, but those fingers will always be there!
- When she wakes up and I go get her out of her crib, she does this "I'm so excited you are getting me out" kick & waves her arms with full excitement! It really makes me laugh & fills me with joy everytime!
- still likes the swing at church, but not so much at home...
- she is such a flirt with her doctor! She loves him! Everytime we go in, she babbles to him, smiles at him, and she laughed at him during her 4 month check up!
- She will always smile at people who talk to her, she already likes being social! {I wonder where she got that from?!?!?}
- She doesn't like to look at the person who is holding her- she will look everywhere else, but you! It's so funny!
- She also plays hard to get when it comes to smiling at the camera!! :)
I hope you enjoyed all the pictures! I think she is just the prettiest & sweetest 4 month old ever! Mike & I are just overjoyed to be her parents. I pray this verse over her daily!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Those pictures are adorable!!! MC sounds like such a good little's awesome :)
She's so beautiful! That 1st pic is my fave, but all of them are so good! It was so fun to see you two yesterday! I love that cousin shot below- sooo presh!
MC you are just gorgeous! We miss you and can't wait to play when we see you!! You are such a big girl!
Your daughter is adorable! That headband is some serious business! I like it! P.S. We have the same font on our blogs - Pea Hannah Vanilla - I LOVE Fonts for Peas!
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