Mike and I are going to be parents! We cannot be more thrilled!
{After all of the shock, I posed with one of the many pregnancy tests that I took and they were all positive! YaY!}
I haven't been blogging lately, mainly because of how I've been feeling. Ever since I found out I was pregnant, which was January 31st, I have been sick, no not the throw up kind of sick, but the worst common cold ever sickness. I have been miserable! I am finally getting better, but I had the worst cough/sinus/junk it seems that I have ever had. I think that being pregnant totally ruined my immune system! I didn't think that I would have morning sickness, just because I never throw up. I do feel queasy just about every day, but as long as I eat, I'm good to go! I have basically been craving everything in sight, but when something looks nasty, or I smell eggs, or vegetable soup, I'm not doing so good!
{Now I realized why I posted this about the smelly soup back in January}
My friend asked me if getting pregnant was an accident the other day. I immediately told her that of course it wasn't an accident, it was just a big surprise for us! :)
Mike and I are thrilled to become parents, and we know that we have no control over "our timing" , and that ultimately God will determine the course of our life! For us, "our timing" to start a family would have been to be in a house and for me to have a full time job, well, neither one of those has happened yet, so we are just trusting in the Lord! :) At least finishing college was on the list and I did that one! :) I know that everything is going to be perfect for this little one and I just can't believe that God is blessing me with something so special! I always feared that I would have trouble getting pregnant, but obviously not, I guess I'm pretty fertal! :)
Becoming a mom has always been my dream, for those of you who know me, you know that I love children! I'm hoping to have 3 or 4 children total, so this is only the beginning!!! I like to refer to this baby as baby #1.
Here is a picture of the little cutie!
And of course, here we are announcing to our parents that we are going to become a family of 3. They are of course thrilled and they loved our picture that we gave them! I didn't know that the wording on the sign wasn't very readable until I had them printed out, but It says... "Family of 3" I fixed the sign after that, making the letters more bold, but we never took another picture holding it. oh well. I had my first ultrasound this past week, and it was amazing! I can't even describe the feeling, it's so awesome to think that the baby is inside of me! Mike was in Russia when I had my ultrasound done, but my mom went with me, and we got a video of the little one and the precious heartbeat. The heartbeat is what got me! I mean, it was just a fluttering away! I didn't realize that Mike was going to be gone when I scheduled the appointment, and If I were to have changed it, I would have had to change it to wait 2 more weeks because we are going to be out of town next week! Mike was excited that he got to see the video and hear the ultrasound tech telling us everything about the baby! I can't wait to have another one! The heartbeat was 136, which I thought was pretty low, but the baby was measuring only 7 weeks and 3 days, so the doctor said that it was completely normal and within the next couple of weeks it would get up in the 180s! That's amazing!
I am due the first week of October, how cool would it be to have the baby on 10/10/10?
I wasn't quite sure how far along I was, so I was really looking forward to see how big the baby was, and I actually thought I was 8 weeks that day, but she measured 7 weeks 3 days. She said that the babies are all different and that it's close enough! lol. So, with my calculations I say that I'm due on October 5, which is my little brothers birthday! But according to the measurements, I will be due October 9. Which is so close to October 10. lol. That would be so crazy if I had the baby on the 10th! I know that when it starts getting closer to the due date, I know that I will want to go early, and not late!
I'm sorry that this was such a long post, but I am just so excited about having this little child of God join our family! I'm looking forward to so many things, and I know that I will be posting aclot more because of how excited I am and all of the things that come along with parenting!
P.S. I think that being pregnant makes me have weird dreams! I've had 2 the last two nights in a row!