Saturday, December 20, 2008

enjoying life to the fullest

So, it's been a while since I've given anyone an update! Here's what's new: I finally got a new car and I absolutely love it! Here is a picture of me with my new car! It's a 99 Honda accord, in a dark purple color. It really looks black, until the sun hits it at the perfect angle and then you can see the purple tint. It feels so nice to have a car that will actually run well for me, and not give me any problems. It has a sunroof, which I absolutely love! Oh, by the way, did you realize that yesterday was when I took this picture, and yes, it was in the 80s on December 19, and I was wearing shorts! The weather has been like this for the last week, and it has been so wonderful! Last night, my stepdad Mike, has his work party at the festival of lights, and we all went! It was really fun, Mike and I ate at the shelter, with Brad, Beth, baby Jack, my mom and Mike. It was our 4th oyster roast that we have been to this Christmas season, and I don't even like them. Good thing there was other food there! Then we rode through and saw all the lights. Here is a picture of Jack with his little head out the window enjoying it all. He loved it! At the very end, I love taking a picture of the Happy New year and getting the next year in there, The last 4 years I have gone, I have gotten all of the years, so here is this years! Happy New Year 2009! I can't believe it's already going to be 2009!
So, another party that I went to this year was what we called our "girlfriends" party with all the kids and babies. Once a week, a few of my friends and I all get together and have lunch. It is normally at one of our houses, or we will go out to eat somewhere, and just enjoy life together. My sister in law Bethany and baby Jack were there, Michelle and baby Stone, Christina and baby Olivia and Ella, and Allison & I all got together to have our little party! We decided to have a gift exchange and draw names, so we did and it was fun! Here are a few pics from the day, mostly of the kids:


Anna Baur said...

Sounds like you've been busy and having a wonderful Christmas break so far!! I like your new car, too! :)

The Stuckey Family said...

Looks like fun! Merry Christmas!

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