This week has been
SUPER busy!
I had my first paper due in one of my classes, my first quiz, and I have a paper due tomorrow too... {that I haven't even started on}. It's totally OBVIOUS that I have SENIORITIS! Let's just say I have 89 days until I am a college graduate. {i just can't even believe it}.

We had 5th quarter{after the Friday night football games} at the church. It went REALLY well, we had a lot of students come after the wando, PCA, and Coastal Christian games. We didn't even get out of the church until 12:45am. Did I mention with about 40 wando football players there, it smelled like a locker room? {gross}
The next morning I was super crazy because I went yard sale shopping with my friends April and Sarah. After not going to sleep until 2am, waking up at 7 wasn't that easy, but TOTALLY worth it! I got just a few things which did include a couple of halloween decorations, and it was fun. Later on that day we planned a girls pedicure day with April, Sarah, Brittany, and myself. It was Sarah's first time getting a pedicure.... I couldn't believe that she had never had one!
But... The most exciting thing that happened this week was Harris Teeter was having
TRIPLE COUPONS this week. In preparation, I just had to change my couponing system to the binder system. My friend Carissa {} made one earlier this week, and even though I've been really wanting to transfer all my coupons to a binder, she really inspired me to do it. I borrowed my mom's label maker to create some NEAT & pretty labels for the different sections. I paid right at $10 for the binder, 16 dividers, and 35 pages of the clear 9 pocket coupon holder pages {found in the baseball card section at Walmart}. I labeled my 16 sections as followed: Cereal, Breakfast/Yogurt, Meats, Canned/Boxed goods, Frozen, Refrigerated, Desserts/Baking Goods, Snacks, Other Foods, Laundry/Dishes{soaps}, Drugs, Paper Goods/Household Items, Cleaning, Hygiene, Cosmetics, Store Coupons.

Did I mention that My Coupon binder is PINK?
It's totally Cute! It seemed A LOT easier to shop with the binder too, because you can see all of the coupons. Before, I just had a check file{you can see it in the picture above}. I get all of my coupon news/information through {}

My Harris Teeter trip went REALLY well. I spent $30 and saved $45 and we are well stocked with groceries for at least good 2 weeks. I also went to Publix this week and did coupons, I think I spent $38 and I don't remember how much I saved. But I was really upset that Publix wouldn't take my CVS $5 off $25 purchase. What a bummer. I'm going to try and call and talk to the manager about it this week, because they normally take all competitors coupons.
Oh, When I was in Harris Teeter I did see a lady stare EXTRA long at me with my COUPON BINDER. I thought that was pretty funny. I guess you don't see too many people shopping with a very Large three ring binder filled with coupons. I've only seen one lady shopping at Publix with a the binder system, hers was a HUGE zip up black three ring binder with pink ribbon tied all over it. She was REAL serious.
I also have to say that I LOVE doing my grocery shopping with my amazing husband. He is my human calculator, and he helps me with the whole check-out process because my eyes are glued to the screen as I watch everything ring up right and make sure all of my coupons are being scanned the right way. At harris teeter he also was great because I needed to exchange an item{I grabbed the wrong package of chicken that wasn't B1G1Free} and I needed one more can of frosting for my coupon to work and be tripled. I hate it when I need something, and I can't just leave all my items on the grocery belt while I go get it!!! Mike helps me so much at the grocery store and I LOVE IT! Thanks Mike! :)
If you get a nice cashier they will let you go back to get things....people did it in my line all the time when I worked at Food Lion. I actually liked that because I could have everything bagged and ready to go when they got back as opposed to them staring at me while I scan all of their groceries!
I love the coupon binder. That would be helpful when shopping with kids. Nice and easy to find everything. The check out line is usually when things go bad for me. ha ha. Now you need to post some things you made with your good deals (meals & deserts). You are so inspiring!
i love it when people stare at my coupon binder! i esp. love when they ask about is great sharing info on saving money! i like how you divided your binder; i am thinking that i may need to add a few sections. awesome job at ht!!!
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