Friday, October 30, 2009
brittainy ann

Love your sis,
Hilary :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Mike Surratt!
Anyways..... After church we went to Chili's and used a gift card that Mike got for his birthday, and then went and watched some football at Mike's parents house. After watching football, {and I took a nap} we went to the Faith Family Fall Festival at another local church in Ladson, it was pretty fun! Our friend's band was playing and we ran into lots of friends there who we didn't even realize were coming! Brad & Beth came with Jack, Michelle was there with Stone, and we talked with Andrew & Lindsey Page for a while { I got to love on her 5 week old baby Titus, he is so sweet} After Robert and the band played and April was painting, we hung out with them for a while, just some good FUN!
Thanks for being an awesome husband, you make me laugh more than anyone in the entire world, and I love you so much! I'm looking forward to all the birthday celebrations we get to spend together in our lifetime!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Olivia Grace!

Today was Olivia's 2nd birthday!
{For those of you who don't know, Olivia is Christina's daughter}
(best friend who recently moved to Tulsa)
I remember the day Olivia was born, Christina texted me saying that she was on the way to the hosptial and Olivia was on the way! I immediately left right after church and waited patiently until I could visit them in the hospital room! Olivia had to stay in the little baby nursery hooked up to all kinds of tubes because she was having trouble breathing for quite a few days, I remember being able to visit her, and praying over her lungs to develop so she could breath on her own! Sure enough, before you know it, she was home, and oh so tiny!!!!
Today Olivia turned two, and I could just squeeze the cuteness out of her because she is just that!!
When mom wasn't around I would give Liv & Ella lots of sugar, and even let them lick the icing out of the tub!!!! She loved it!!!! I also was with them as Liv was able to hold her first icecream cone! Oh So Sweet!!! :)
I hope your day is wonderful and I love you to pieces! You and Ella be good for mommy and love on her all the time! She is such a good mom to you! {She brags about you all the time}. Enjoy your Nemo birthday outfit that I made you, I know you will because your mom sent me a picture of it already! :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
1-2-3-4 gimme PINK, gimme more...
A few months ago I twittered this picture of me in my new Pink victoria secret jacket that my mom got me. It has the number 86 on the front and back of it (the year I was born), so my mom just surprised me with it. {My mom is awesome like that}
We were on a road trip with Mike's family and Mike noticed on the back of my jacket that it said "pink will fight, pink will win" & "gimme pink gimme more" we never realized that it was a little chant until one day I was reading all of the "fake writing on the back". Mike calls it the Juno writing... like from the movie... anyways.... I finally figured out that the cheer said "1-2-3-4 gimme pink, gimme more, 7-8-9-10 pink will fight, pink will win!" The cheerleader in me came out and I got really excited, and every now and then I start saying the chant when I'm looking for my pink jacket... Mike laughs at me.
All of that to say...
So as you know I do a lot of couponing and I get all of my info at Well, Jenny has up a coupon from Victoria Secret for you to get a free PINK panty! Just click on the link below. You have to register on their website and they give you a coupon for a free pany with your name printed out on it!
{Every girl could always use a free panty!}
I'm getting mine tomorrow... when will you be getting yours??
{It expires on November 9, so you better hurry soon!!!}
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
creeping car critters
so all of that to say, I have been having some creatures visiting in my car during the night! Then it hit me: 2 days before I took my car in to get fixed, I turned on my defroster and all of this foam stuff started blowing out my vents on the dashboard! I just thought that it was some stuff that had been deteriorating in my car, but no!!! There were some sort of creatures eating at my hoses and building nests under my hood!!!!! I started to FREAK out and I just tried not to think of what it could be!!!! We do live by a bunch of bushes, so..... I can't believe that I am actually saying this but it could possibly be... a rat or some sort of rodent!!! THAT TOTALLY GROSSES ME OUT!!!!! I'm just hoping that it was a squirrel because somehow in my brain I think that they are not as gross, but squirrels are pretty gross too! :/
Luckily the people at Precision Auto replaced my hoses and windshield washer fluid container for free because of getting my brakes fixed and my oil changed!
Now, to help resolve this problem, I am parking FAR away from the bushes. You might think I'm crazy, but I don't want those crazy car critters coming after my car! Mike doesn't think that it would keep the critters {or whatever it was} away from my car, but in my head I feel so much better parking on the other side of the parking lot at our apt than right beside our entrance.
The guy at Precision Auto told me to get some rat poison from WalMart and put it in my car so that whatever it is getting in there would just eat that instead {and then die, but hopefully not die while it's in my car because that would be REAL bad}. I haven't bought any yet, but I SURE WILL!
Sorry about the gross post, but I just had to share the fear of running out to my car everyday and praying that no rodents come running at my feet as I get in my car. {I'm a little overly dramatic as well}
I'm sure that nothing is going to get on me, but we can all be a little afraid, right?
Anyone else ever experience something like this and can help?!?!?
Monday, October 12, 2009
party, pork loin, electric knife... oh yea!
Here is how I did it:
-I covered the butt in some Lawry's seasoning and balsamic vinegar before I put it in the oven. I added a little bit of water to the dish that I had it in, covered it in tin foil, and put in in the oven for 2 hours on 350 degrees.
-I used my instant meat thermometer {that was a wedding gift that I haven't used yet} to check the butt around 1:30 and it was 160 degrees {I wanted it to be closer around 170}. I actually cut some slits in it, flipped it over and put some more seasoning on it. {That's not necessary, but I wanted all of the sides nice and brown, and the bottom was a little mushier than the other sides}.
- I drained and uncovered the butt for the last 30-20 min in the oven and it turned out perfect!
-I then used my electric knife {another first time use of a wedding gift} to cut all the meat off, I mean, I couldn't believe how much meat was on that bone!!!! I love my knife too, it was so fun and easy to use! As I cut the meat, I put the meat on a separate pan and then put the brown sugar glaze for the final yumminess!
-Then the best part was the brown sugar glaze that I made to go on top of it!
Brown Sugar Glaze:
-2 cups of brown sugar
-2 tbsp of flour
-1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar
- 2 tsp mustard
{I did add a little bit of water too... maybe 1/4 cup}
I put this on simmer on the stove as I was slicing the meat to make it thinner for a perfect glaze.

All this preparation was for our life group halloween costume party at our apt... it was super fun! Here are all the costumes
{some people didn't dress up, so they didn't want to get in the picture.}

Mike and I were Captain Hook & Tinkerbell

Mike also has in his vampire teeth that we all got, April brought everyone treat bags!
{We played games & had a lot of fun}
Roman Goddess{Natalia} Catwoman{April} Tinkerbell{me}

Friday, October 9, 2009
Happy Fall Y'all!
I went to Target {my fav store ever} the other day and they were having a special if you buy 2 bags of M&Ms, you got a free reusable bag! so I did{I had $1 off coupon too, so I got them for a good deal} Plus, I just had to get some little pumpkin hanging lights for our halloween small group party this coming week at our house! I got the orange bucket & cups at a yard sale 2 weeks ago for $.50 when I went with April & Sarah. They were brand new still in the package too!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
couponing & crafting
Monday, October 5, 2009
Celebrate Jacoby!